Video interviews

During World War II, thousands of people left Estonia for the West, old and young, families were scattered all over the world. In most cases, they were forced to leave their homeland by fear of the Red Army and the new Soviet regime’s repressions. We offer you a small selection of video memories from people who were directly affected by these events.

More testimonials can be found:

Paul Laan
Hando Kask
Maret Paljak
Vivian Kotka-Luksep
Arved Plaks
Anu Pirn
Tõnis Nõmmik
Tiina Ets
Ado Valge
Alla Mägi
Merike Weiler
Rein Pirn
Arvid Truumees
Helgi Kristi Valge
Tiiit Tamm
Tiiu Valmet
Helje Albo